
Specjalista ds. Rekrutacji

Semisul Poland Sp. z o.o.

Warszawa, mazowieckie

Semisul Poland Sp. z o.o.
Semisul Poland od 2006 roku specjalizuje się w rekrutacji wykwalifikowanej kadry branży przemysłowej i magazynowej oraz zapewnianiu swoim pracownikom ciekawych ofert pracy na rynku lokalnym i międzynarodowym. Zapraszamy do odwiedzenia strony www.semisul.eu)

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Specjalista ds. Rekrutacji


International company dealing with recruitment in refineries, petrochemical branch and other branches of steel industry is looking for an Candidate.

Job Description:
- Recruiting and selecting candidates to meet the organization’s business needs,
using external and internal (referral) sources, which includes:
- Preselecting CVs
- Updating internal data bases
- Phone screening candidates to ensure a proper quality of candidates
- Preparing recruitment reports
- Participating in creation of positive image of the company on the job market

We protect your privacy. We kindly inform you that we will contact only with chosen candidates.

- minimum 3 years practical experience on position of recruitment specialist in Oil
and Gas branch
- Very good knowledge of English
- Very good computer skills (MS Office, e-mail)
- Good interpersonal skills and ability to build partner relationships
- Good organisation of work able to work to tight deadlines
- Systematic and accurate work
- High personal standards

If you feel that you are suitable to the above requirements please apply by forwarding your current CV in english.

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