Grafton Recruitment Sp. z o.o.
Jesteśmy Grafton Recruitment – czyli zespół kreatywnych ekspertów rekrutacyjnych, dla których każdy kandydat jest wyjątkowy. Wiemy, że rekrutacja to nie tylko znalezienie pracy, ale przede wszystkim stworzenie odpowiedniego dopasowania pomiędzy kandydatem a pracodawcą. Nasz cel to zapewnienie kandydatom spełnienia zawodowego i satysfakcji z wykonywanej pracy.

W Grafton Recruitment skupiamy się nie tylko na fachowych umiejętnościach, ale również na indywidualnych cechach osobowościowych, stylu pracy i celach zawodowych każdego kandydata. Dzięki temu możemy dopasować najlepszą ofertę pracy, która sprosta oczekiwaniom i potrzebom naszych kandydatów.

Współpracujemy z tysiącami firm w Polsce, działającymi w różnych branżach, co daje naszym kandydatom dostęp do szerokiej gamy ofert pracy i możliwości rozwoju kariery. Nasza obecność na terenie całej Polski, w tym w Warszawie, Poznaniu, Wrocławiu, Krakowie, Katowicach i Łodzi, oraz prowadzenie projektów w Trójmieście, pozwala nam na skuteczne i sprawne działanie na rzecz naszych kandydatów i klientów. Certyfikat Great Place To Work® to dowód, że jest nam w naszej firmie dobrze, że w tym miejscu stawiamy na komunikację, rozwój, wellbeing. To miejsce, w które chcemy się angażować dlatego kariera naszych kandydatów jest w dobrych rękach.

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Quality Specialist

Miejsce pracy: Kraków

For our Client, new Company on Krakow market wchih is building a SSC structures we are looking for a candidate to position of Quality Specialist. It is a chance to take part in transition of processes for a new SSC.


- Participate or support audits/assessments to ensure compliance with applicable regulations, codes and standards.
- Support audit planning and preparation activities including gathering data from previous internal audits, corrective action system, self-assessments, other external audit/industry available reports, etc.; confirm/update contact information; work with audited organization to plan interview sessions; participate on audit team as requested.
- Act as the Supplier Quality interface between company and external suppliers in support of evaluating the capability of potential and existing suppliers to provide acceptable components in accordance with current QA requirements.
- Perform cursory review of supplier certification packages to ensure comprehensive and legible quality assurance records have been submitted in accordance with purchase order, manufacturing, and quality specifications.
- Assist in development and compilation of supplier qualification documents including but not limited to audit plans, pre-award surveys, reports and supporting checklists while ensuring compliance with applicable QA policies and procedures.
- Lead the procedure revision process including distribution of procedure change requests (PCRs) to process/document owners, review and disposition of PCRs, notify site procedure coordinators and process owners of planned procedure revisions;
- Assist process owners with formatting Level 1 manuals & Level 2 procedures/work instructions/job aides as well as editing of documents for consistency in how content is presented, as needed.
- Support communication of changes in Quality processes and documentation and develop training material to support changes.
- Assist in the coordination of third-party inquiries and audits
- Review Modifications to Archived Electronic Records (MAER) requests to ensure that request meets procedure requirements
- Follow-up on supplier assessment corrective actions, evaluate responses and ensure objective evidence substantiates adequate closure.
- Support development of data reports and organizational metrics for leadership evaluation.

- University degree
- Very good knowledge of English
- 3-6 years of experience in Quality department
- Ability to enhance process and controls
- Very good communication and ability to build solid relationships
- Strong interpersonal skills and proactive team work approach
- Flexibility, ability to deal with ambiguity and change
- Ability to work under pressure
- Ability to multitask, work under pressure and proactively identify and solve issues

- Possibility to create new company structures, transition process
- Additional benefits
- Trainings
- Office in city centre

Recruitment Agency No. 20329

Grafton Recruitment Sp. z o.o.

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