
HR Service Delivery Manager

Grafton Recruitment Sp. z o.o.

Kraków, małopolskie

Grafton Recruitment Sp. z o.o.
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Współpracujemy z tysiącami firm w Polsce, działającymi w różnych branżach, co daje naszym kandydatom dostęp do szerokiej gamy ofert pracy i możliwości rozwoju kariery. Nasza obecność na terenie całej Polski, w tym w Warszawie, Poznaniu, Wrocławiu, Krakowie, Katowicach i Łodzi, oraz prowadzenie projektów w Trójmieście, pozwala nam na skuteczne i sprawne działanie na rzecz naszych kandydatów i klientów. Certyfikat Great Place To Work® to dowód, że jest nam w naszej firmie dobrze, że w tym miejscu stawiamy na komunikację, rozwój, wellbeing. To miejsce, w które chcemy się angażować dlatego kariera naszych kandydatów jest w dobrych rękach.

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HR Service Delivery Manager

Miejsce pracy: Kraków

For one of our Clients, the company which is operating in Krakow at Business Services area we are looking for a HR Service Delivery Manager.
This is an exciting position for an experienced HR professional with an open mindset who is willing to embark in a new project of an international HR service provider company.
The role of a HR Service Delivery Manager role focuses on keeping clients satisfied with the company's services through managing projects, fixing any reliability issues, tracking service metrics, managing budgets and helping lead the professionals responsible for getting services delivered to clients.

Person at this position will be responsible for:
- Overseing the day to day operations of an HR project team in meeting the agreed service level agreements and business operational requirements
- Providing leadership and direction to the HR service delivery team
- Managing client satisfaction, developing strong relathions with key client stakeholders
- Developing and streamline processes to ensure an accessible, straightforward and digital approach for the user
- Working with the internal team and client , to develop, implement and embed KPI and SLA for the management of the HR projects, working close with teams within, leading on new ways of working and an empowering approach
- Driving process innovations and transformation
- Identifying training opportunities for career and skill set growth for all staff

- 6-8 years of experience HR Services (BPO or SSC structures)
- Fluent English
- Experience on simmilar position
- Experience in HR processes
- Experience in project management and continuous improvement
- Experience in process transition and in building shared services teams
- Excellent communication, interpersonal and lidership skills
- Client management skills/Client service centric mindset
- Independent and detail-oriented, able to work in fast-paced environment
- Ability to perform under pressure and limited time
- Responsive and deadline oriented with a sense of urgency
- In-depth knowledge of HR principles, functions, methods, and best practices
- Organized and analytical, able to eliminate obstacles through creative and adaptive approaches
- Able to communicate effectively with all levels of management
- Flexible and yet strong decision-marking ability with a consensus approach

- Stable employment in a dynamically growing company (employees all over the world)
- Attractive salary + annual bonus
- Innovating work environment
- Additional benefits (Multisport Card, private healthcare)
- International team and unformal atmosphere at work
- Organization promoting innovative thinking

Recruitment Agency No. 20329

Grafton Recruitment Sp. z o.o.

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