
Data Lake Product Manager

Grafton Recruitment Sp. z o.o.

Katowice, śląskie

Grafton Recruitment Sp. z o.o.
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Współpracujemy z tysiącami firm w Polsce, działającymi w różnych branżach, co daje naszym kandydatom dostęp do szerokiej gamy ofert pracy i możliwości rozwoju kariery. Nasza obecność na terenie całej Polski, w tym w Warszawie, Poznaniu, Wrocławiu, Krakowie, Katowicach i Łodzi, oraz prowadzenie projektów w Trójmieście, pozwala nam na skuteczne i sprawne działanie na rzecz naszych kandydatów i klientów. Certyfikat Great Place To Work® to dowód, że jest nam w naszej firmie dobrze, że w tym miejscu stawiamy na komunikację, rozwój, wellbeing. To miejsce, w które chcemy się angażować dlatego kariera naszych kandydatów jest w dobrych rękach.

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Data Lake Product Manager

Miejsce pracy: Katowice

For one of our Clients we are looking for Data Lake Product Manager who will define the future of data management which intersects with different business units and deliver critical data insights across the entire company and will be responsible for:

- Lead Development Team and other Stakeholders to the right product decisions to create a state-of-the art data lake solution
- Shaping the Data Lake and Big Data Analytics direction
- Gather requirements from various Stakeholders and translate them into actionable work for Engineers
- Build and maintain the roadmap for the Data Lake solution
- Communicate complex technical issues around the data and data processing in simple language to different Stakeholders
- Report the regular progress and updates on the project to stakeholders.

- Big data subject matter expertise with experience in building modern data platforms
- Experience building the platforms with Business Intelligence, Data Integration, Analytics, Machine Learning, Data Science
- Knowledge of data warehousing concepts, data pipeline design, experience in databases
- Experienced with at least 3 years of technical product management
- Experienced with at least 5 years in software development
- Skilled at communication across departments of engineers, hospitality domain experts and other stakeholders
- Ability to partner with business teams in setting the vision for data needs and translating it into and end-to-end execution
- Knowledge and experience with working in Agile/Scrum environments
- Ability to organize work for others with analytical mindset.

- Employment based on contract of employment or B2B contract
- Possibility to work fully remotely
- An exciting job within a creative environment and the opportunity to make a real impact on the business
- Grow your experience with web and cloud technologies in a very innovative technology environment
- Friendly, motivated and talented multicultural team
- Full package of benefits including the private medical care, life insurance, MyBenefit card, sports card, English lessons during working hours
- Chill rooms with variety of games, team building events and staff parties.

Grafton Recruitment Sp. z o.o.

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