
In-Field Market Access


Łódź, łódzkie

Takeda to koncentrująca się na potrzebach pacjentów, innowacyjna globalna firma farmaceutyczna, zatrudniająca ponad 30 000 profesjonalistów w ponad 70 krajach na całym świecie. Opieramy się na ponad 230 latach wspaniałej historii, i od samego początku stawiamy pacjentów na pierwszym miejscu. Podążamy za wartościami filozofii Takeda-izmu - Uczciwością, Sprawiedliwością, Szczerością i Wytrwałością - i łaczy nas misja zapewnienia lepszego stanu zdrowia i poprawy jakości życia naszych pacjentów na całym świecie poprzez dostarczanie wiodących innowacyjnych rozwiązań w medycynie. Tutaj każdy ma znaczenie, a Ty będziesz mieć istotny wkład w naszą inspirującą i odważną misję. W Takeda będziesz mieć wpływ na ludzkie życie - w tym swoje własne. Takeda to pracodawca realizujący politykę równych szans.
Obecnie poszukujemy:

In-Field Market Access


The role objectives are to lead, initiate and implement programs and activities to gain, maintain and improve reimbursement of Takeda IBD products as well as act as company liaison in stakeholder groups.

Essential Duties and responsibilities:

Industry Insight & Territory Planning: engineer health economic market assessments to appropriately identify stakeholder barriers, trends, customer unmet needs, strategic insight, strategic imperatives, prioritization and targeting and potential implications of national changing market dynamics.

Stakeholder Engagement: representation of the Health Economic data towards health policy makers at country level as well as managing the local public health events and scientific discussion regarding patient-relevant outcomes

Tender Management: contribution to the contracting and negotiations.

Cross-Functional Collaboration: strong collaboration and alignment with relevant functions in strategies and field activities to develop a unified Takeda approach and thereby develop trusting relationships with all external stakeholders

Key Capabilities

  • Develop & maintain strong working relationships with health funds decision makers to support current & future organizational objectives, mainly contributing to listing of key brands in health funds
  • Solving bureaucracy issues with listed problems at local HFs
  • Technical expertise in terms of environmental intelligence & Insight and negotiation skills
  • Ability to understand and interpret clinical data and transfer data into RWE & patient outcomes
  • Detailed understanding of the therapeutic areas and disease management
  • Strong understanding of the principles of health economics
  • Builds relationships with organizations representing a wide range of customers to understand their needs, concerns, the current state of affairs and future trends, develop solutions for customer needs

What you should bring

  • University degree
  • Successful pharma industry experience
  • Technical skills: negotiation skills, sales experience Key Account Management (KAM or Rep background's experience), project lead
  • Proven ability to think and work cross-functionally
  • Strong analytical capabilities, well organized and resourceful
  • Strong business acumen
  • Self-motivated and goal oriented, capable of multi-tasking and delivering results in a timely manner
  • Excellent communication skills and fluent in English
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