SIRE Life Sciences®

Customer Service Specialist

Location: NOORD BRABANT, Netherlands

Customer Service Specialist


The company

The company is one of the biggest Biotechnology/ Pharmaceutical companies in the world. They are focusing on developing and creating solutions for the most difficult to threat diseases in this world for humankind. By new innovative ideas they create answers for life threatening and obstructing conditions.


Role description

As a Customer Service Specialist you are the first line contact for Customer/Sales Offices, customer creation, credit/debit/return orders, complaints and Track & Trace activities. You will be included in the entire supply chain process and make sure everything is going well. .  You will try to complete milestones for commercial order management and specific projects or activities within the team or department related to commercial supply chain.


  • In the customer service process you are the first point of contact
  • You will be taking care of inbound and outbound contacts and do so in an appropriate matter and solve problems where needed
  • Deal with customer service complains and trying to decrease that as much as possible
  • You will start new and/ or improve the current relationships with internal/external customers


  • At least 1 to 2 years’ experience with customer service or sales
  • Experience with automated systems( Exp. w/ SAP and Salesforce is a plus)
  • Fluency in English & German, both oral and in writing (Spanish is a big plus)
  • Customer and service focused

          Other information

Are you interested and do want to apply for this role, please fill out your application via the apply button below and contact Lesley Rademaker

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SIRE Life Sciences®

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