SmartRecruiters Inc. Sp. z o.o. Oddział w Polsce

SmartRecruiters Inc. Sp. z o.o. Oddział w Polsce

Kraków, Małopolskie

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Branża / kategoria:
IT - Software - Usługi
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Want to know the story of Smartrecruiters, well here it goes:

We used to live with our uncle Ted

SmartRecruiters was started by a few E-recruitment junkies led by Jerome Ternynck, Founder & CEO of MrTed, a leading provider of heavy-weight SaaS recruitment systems for global enterprises. During a year or so, we quietly incubated in the cozy labs of MrTed and learned a lot.

Then he got married, so we took off

In August 2010, MrTed got acquired by Stepstone Solutions so we packed our stuff and took off. In our backpack we grabbed a cool piece of software, a great team, 3000 lovely clients using our Beta, Jerome, and some cash. A few days later, On Sept 1st, SmartRecruiters went Inc. and settled in the Bay Area.

And now, we are on a mission.

Recruiting, as we all know, is not a very effective market place. Independent of where the economy is at, it’s difficult for companies to find the right people and difficult for people to land the right job.

In Economics term, this inefficiency is known as a Friction. That is a pretty serious issue which potentially affects all of us. As a matter of fact, the 2010 Nobel Prize for economics recognized a team of scientists who quantified the impact of that Friction on global unemployment.

Well, having spent the last 10 years in that space, we think technology can help solve that problem. So we’ve decided to build the best recruiting software ever and make it available free to the world.

Will we bring global unemployment down to zero ? Na, probably not. Can we make a difference for millions of companies and people ? Hell yeah!

Like the idea? Well, guess what. You can help. Start by tweeting this and then sign up to find out for yourself how we can make your world of recruiting a better place.