

Reed Specialist Recruitment

Warszawa, mazowieckie

Reed Specialist Recruitment
Jesteśmy polskim oddziałem, wiodącej na rynku brytyjskim, firmy doradztwa personalnego REED, która prowadzi działania z zakresu profesjonalnej rekrutacji i selekcji od 1960 roku.

W Polsce prowadzimy specjalistyczne usługi rekrutacyjne w obszarze: Accountancy, Banking, Finance, IT & Telecoms, Property & Construction, Engineering, Sales & Marketing oraz HR.


Miejsce pracy: Warszawa

As German Language Specialist you will be responsible for german correspondence with clients/suppliers/other departments as well as for maintaining information flow between them (it can also include phone calls). All of the above to keep clients as satisfied with services as they can be - client-orientation and results-orientated people are especially needed!

We require from you to be fully available to work from Monday to Friday 40hours per week. Also, you must know English as well as German on at least B2 level. What is more: willingness to learn is also the mindset we are looking for!

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Reed Specialist Recruitment

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